our 2024-2025 season enrollment is still open!
Classes started the week of Monday, September 9th
Don’t worry there is still time to join our amazing dance family!
Mr. & Me Dance -
Dancing Holiday Magic
We are excited to announce we are doing the Mr. and Me dance again this year for interested families. Please see the details below.
This performing opportunity is open to all BSDPA dancers and a special male role model in their lives. This could be an older brother, grandpa, neighbor, dad, cousin, etc.
We will have 4 one-hour rehearsals leading up to our big performance on Saturday, December 14th.
Saturday, October 26th
Saturday, November 9th
Saturday, November 23rd
Saturday, December 7th
We will have two different rehearsal times separated by age.
Twinkle Stars (Ages 3-6) 12:00-1:00 PM
Show Stars *Mini/Jr. Levels (Ages 6-12) 1:00-2:00 PM
Please register for the level that your dancer is enrolled in for their weekly classes so 'this' dance will be in the same recital (Saturday, December 14th) as your dancer's other weekly classes.
Even though our show structure will be different this year (3 shows) we will make sure this additional performance will be in the same show as your dancer's other classes.
The cost per family is $99.
*Please contact us for sibling rates and options.
We have moved to a NEW HOME!
Our new studio is located at 4068 Lake Rd. N Brockport (former NYS Trooper location) offers more space, on-site PARKING, ADA-compliant, state-of-the-art facilities, and a vibrant atmosphere that will enhance your dance experience!
Twinkle Star Dance is the perfect balance of structure and fun.
Each dance class is specific to your child’s development age and stage. There are four pillars of the Twinkle Star Method - Skill Building, Center Movement, Just for Fun, and Showtime!
Skill Building is the essential base that all dancers learn and build upon as they continue to fine-tune these skills throughout their dance life.
Center Movement builds on all the skills dancers learn through choreographed combinations where they can really start to understand musicality and move together as a core of tiny dancers.
Just For Fun keeps dancers engaged and excited for class with dance activities, storylines, and sweetness that every little dancer dreams of.
The big day! With Showtime dancers work on choreography, receive adorable costumes, and get ready to shine in their on stage performances. Twinkle Stars™ and Show Stars™ have the option to perform in our Annual and Holiday Productions.
The Pagemaster
June 2024
THANK YOU to everyone who attended our production of The Pagemaster in support of our amazing dancers and actors.
We are SO proud of every student for all of their hard work this season and for performing beautifully! We are also grateful for our talented, creative, and caring team of teachers and volunteers for sharing their time, energy, and talents with our students and our studio.
Have a WONDERFUL Summer & Cheers to New Adventures!
Miss Leah
Our SR. Level dancers raised at grand total of $2,948 for the Rochester Emergency Veterinary Services 🐾 (January 2024)
The Story of Simba
Recital June 2023